
3 Hours Package  $780

1 professional photographer and 1 assistant
3hrs unlimited photo taken, a photo CD with all original photos
12 photos with professional retouch
One 12" enlargement

5 Hours Package  $1080

1 professional photographer and 1 assistant
5hrs unlimited photo taken, a photo CD with all original photos
28 photos with professional retouch
One 10" crystal cover album
One 24" enlargement

8 Hours Package $1580

1 professional photographer and 1 assistant
8hrs unlimited photo taken, a photo CD with all original photos
36 photos with professional retouch
One 12" crystal cover album
One 24" enlargement

12 Hours Package $1880

1 professional photographer and 1 assistant
12hrs unlimited photo taken, a photo CD with all original photos
46 photos with professional retouch
One 16" crystal cover album
One 24" enlargement
One 10" crystal frame

Full Day Package $2280

1 professional photographer and 1 assistant
Unlimited photo taken, a photo CD with all original photos
56 photos with professional retouch
One 18" crystal cover album
One 24" enlargement
One 10" crystal frame

Ps: Wedding day packages don't include makeup and wedding gown.  $200 per extra hour.